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Thoughts & Inspiration

Pastor Gift, our ministry host, left for a much deserved 3 week sabbatical. So my team has taken on all his respondsabilities, along with all of our already existing ones. Things has been busy, but so great too. Jon and Lila have most of the respondsability, I dont really have to do anything, so now I can just focus more on my ministry or whatever.
An Ambassador Medical Team had made a trip out to visit Nsoko, so with PG (Pastor Gift) being gone, we were the minsitry hosts. So we planned out what they’d be partnering with and then got to it. I left to take transport all the way across the country to pick them up, took a woman to go get stitches, then escorted them back to the base. This took all day. But they were with us for 3 days and it was just really cool having the respondsability for being their minsitry hosts. Nsoko is a place where you have to be here for a long time to really see God’s work. Like you know God is doing things obviously, but to see a lot of fruit it takes a while. So it was kind of a challenge to have them leave here with a sense of accomplishment you know.
They were a more or less medically focused ministry team. So they came to work in the clinic and we brought them to all the most sick people in the communtiy to do home based care and home visits. We each had a group of the team kind of “under our wing” and we spend many hours visiting one house, each day. The house my group and I visited was an old man who was about 90 pounds and his bones were hollow. He hadnt been out of bed in a long time, i want to say years. Right was so thankful to God for bringing us to the his home. He loved hearing us tell him the gospel. The second day we visiting him, i brought my guitar and we worshipped in his house. Of course he didnt know the words of the songs but he just loved the worship. I taught the group an easy siSwati song and we sang for him. He just had so much faith in God and was not cursing at the heavens for his condition at all or anything. Its hard to discribe how i saw his faith you know? I was just very encouraged by this man.
It was a very good experience of God.