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There is so much corruption in the Lubombo Region Football League. My team is on the move, were motivated and winning. Were dangerous. Everyone is scared of us, and the crazy “umlungu” (white person) that’ll chop you down at your knees if you get in front of him ha.

So there are the Black Aces and Nsoko United. Those are the last two teams we have to play and, well, beat. We were scheduled to play both of them this weekend, which is good news for me because I’m out of here in two weeks, so finishing up the season with my guys will be great, and have more games means more scoring opportunities. But anyways, because the teams are scared of us and no one wants to play us (because then we will overtake their position in the league rankings), they keep making up excuses to why they can’t/won’t play us. Each team wants to play us last, and the last game is played in a big fancy stadium under the lights! So no games were played this weekend because Nsoko United and Black Aces kept coppin’ out of faces the inevitable beat down they are gonna receive! But I think the league is going to try to schedule a game mid-week this week, like on Wednesday or something. Hopefully that works out.

This weekend the team is having out end of the season award party. PG, Majabane (the team secretary), and I came up with the awards and figured who should receive which ones. This is gonna be really cool for these guys to receive trophies for their hard work and accomplishments, and the main directors of the league are coming. This is just going to really encourage them. We’ve got a huge party set up at the safari lodge down the road. We are going to EAT!

Please pray for a good wrap up of my time here ministering to my brothers on this soccer team. Pray that good fruit continues to come from this ministry and Jesus’ seeds keep getting planted and good fertile soil keeps getting softened. Pray from spiritual brokenness in their lives.