Growing up in northern kentucky, ive had a pretty safe, and comfortable life, its a good place to grow up, if you like that. But i don’t, I want to live dangerously and take risks. Which ive done all my life trying to escape from falling into an average life. But the dangerous things i was doing were actaully really stupid, like running away just for the fun of it and climbing to the top of those huge radio towers, and i should probably be dead or in jail. LBut the dangerous life is a comfortable one. So this is how i was called to the mission field. I’ll explain. I’m sick of college and sick of Kentucky and im done with wanting this life of extraordinary and not doing anything about it. This mission trip isnt a cop-out for not going to school, school is just not for my life right now. And ive found that by doing something about getting away from not living a risky life for Jesus, I should just listen and obey the Lord and go, just as Jesus tells us to. I picked this mission trip (which will be my first) because it seems like an awesome growth opportunity and excellent training for discipleship which obviously is going to be very beneficail for the future. Because i love our God because how much He loves me, i just wanna live for him and show others the immense love he has for them.
I like this verse a lot…
Habakkuk 1:5 (God) “Look at the nations and watch-
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.”